Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lazy day Sun-dried Tomato Pasta

Today was one of those days that I didn't feel like cooking, but didn't feel like going out to eat, either.  I was perfectly content snuggling on the couch under my blanket, watching football, drifting on and off to sleep.  But, I figured, get up, make something quick and easy at half time, and then back to the comfort of the couch! 

Since it is cold today, and I'm tired and not feeling 100%, I was in the mood for comfort food.  Pasta and cheesy yumminess came to mind! I've had a half bag of sun-dried tomatoes that I've been wanting to use, and a bunch of almost-empty bags of cheese.  Time to get creative and still be done by the start of the third quarter? Challenge accepted! 

Here are the ingredients that I used: 
- 8 oz. dry cavatappi pasta
- 1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, julienned
- 1.5 cups fat-free half and half
- 3/4 cup fat-free mozzarella cheese, shredded
- 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
- 1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
- 1/3 cup grated romano cheese
- 1 tsp. dried basil (eye-balled)
- 1/4 tsp. garlic powder (eye-balled)
- a few shakes italian seasoning

First, I boiled a pot of water, and then added the pasta.  I then heated the half & half, basil, garlic powder, and italian seasoning in a small sauce pan over medium-high heat until it was almost boiling.  I then added each of the cheeses, whisking until each cheese was melted before adding the next cheese.  Once all cheeses were melted and incorporated, I switched the heat to low until I was ready to add the pasta.

When the pasta had about two minutes left, I added the sun-dried tomatoes into the boiling pasta and water. This helps to soften them so they are a perfect texture in your pasta.  I then drained the pasta and tomatoes, and added them to the pot of cheesy sauce.  I stirred until the pasta was well coated, and served immediately.  It was so yummy! And yes, I was on the couch, eating my dinner before the third quarter even started! A true lazy-cook's victory!


  1. Looks great, Kristi! I'm not much of one for sun-dried tomatoes, but it looks so good that I might have to give it a try.

    1. If you're not a big sun-dried tomato fan, use half the amt. the recipe calls for, and half stewed tomatoes, left to dry between paper-towel sheets on the counter for a while

  2. looks delicious. how many servings does this make?

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