Monday, January 30, 2012

Bruschetta Chicken Pasta

I recently received a request from a very dear friend for a recipe for a comfort food that is dairy-free.  (No cheese? ... Could be tough, but I like a challenge).  So I started thinking about what comfort food I could come up with that didn't include dairy.  For me, comfort food is definitely pasta.  I. LOVE. PASTA.  It makes me smile - I don't know why, it just does.  It makes my belly full and happy.  It is oh-so satisfying.  And it is the perfect one-pot meal.  Happy belly + one dish = Happy me! But boring pasta and tomato sauce just doesn't cut it.  That isn't comforting... That leaves me wanting something else - something more satisfying.  I remembered going to T.G.I. Friday's awhile back when I wasn't feeling well, and ordering their Bruschetta Chicken Pasta.  I remembered liking it... a lot! It must have done the trick, because I still remember how satisfying and delicious it was! So I figured I'd try to recreate this delightful dish for my friend's enjoyment (and mine, too, of course!).  I think this has become a new favorite! It is AH-MAZING! Enjoy it!

Servings: 4
Weight Watchers PPV: 10

Bruschetta mixture:
- 2 large tomatoes, diced
- 2 Tbs. minced garlic, divided
- 1/4 cup fresh basil, slivered
- 4 tsp. olive oil, divided

Balsamic glaze:
- 2/3 cup balsamic vinegar
- 2/3 Tbs. sugar

- 1 chicken breast
- salt and pepper

- 1/3 cup tomato sauce
- 8 oz. dried pasta (I used cavatappi)

Two hours ahead of meal time, combine diced tomatoes, 1 Tbs. minced garlic, 2 tsp. olive oil, and basil.  Cover and refrigerate.

To make balsamic glaze, combine balsamic vinegar and sugar and heat in small sauce pan until boiling.  Simmer until reduced by 3/4, and until a thick syrup forms.  Remove from heat and reserve until ready to serve.

Cook pasta according to box directions until al dente.  Meanwhile, season chicken with salt and pepper.  Grill until no longer pink.  (I used the George Foreman).  Slice into desired size pieces, or shred.

Heat 2 tsp. olive oil in large pan over medium heat.  Add garlic, and cook for one minute or until fragrant.  Do not burn.  Next, stir in bruschetta mixture made earlier and heat for several minutes.  Add tomato sauce, and bring to a boil.  Reduce to low.  Stir in cooked pasta and chicken and stir until heated through.  Serve with balsamic glaze drizzled over each serving.

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