Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome 2012!


Well, here comes another year! If you are anything like me, you still have quite a few items left on your 'to-do' list from 2011.  I know I certainly do! I started to make a list of things that I was supposed to get done in 2011, and by the time I reached my second page, I gave up.  

But then, I decided to re-write the list - get rid of what is no longer important, and instead, re-prioritize what I really want to get accomplished! At the top of my list? Make a concentrated effort to become more "domestic".  Recently, my health has pushed me to stay at home instead of being able to work.  And because of this, I decided I should use this time to my advantage to sharpen my domestic skills! I've always admired those busy women who seemed to be able to do it all - serve homemade meals to their families followed by made-from-scratch desserts, all the while wow-ing me with their DIY crafts and home projects! Well, now that I have a little (okay, a lot) of extra time on my hands, I figured I should give it a try! 

I'm a food lover.  I LOVE food. 
 My husband always teases me, because when I bite into something yummy, no matter how grumpy I am, or how bad my day was, I get a smile... A BIG smile! No matter what I'm doing... driving, working, running errands, or exercising... I'm thinking about what new delicious recipes I should try.  And I can never just *try* a recipe, I always have my little tweaks and twists that I add (usually to cut down fat/calories - I lost 33 pounds in 2011, and  my list also includes keeping that off!)  Creating culinary delights always makes me feel successful and accomplished (except of course when I fail, and my husband orders pizza instead... I am not fond of those days!).  

And of course, I've always enjoyed the creativity of DIY projects! And I've noticed that those that I share my creations with always seem to be impressed (I *assume* they're not faking it!).  My main interests with crafts lie in card-making, scrap-booking, etc, as well as cutesy jewelry or decorations... however I'd REALLY like to begin working on house-projects as well... (Another list item!).

So with all of that in mind, and my 2012 'to-do' list hanging on the wall and staring me in the face, I've decided that I figured it would be fun to share my experiences with all of you through a blog! My goal is to add a meal how-to, dessert how-to, and DIY how-to each week! If anyone has any requests for recipes or projects, please send them! I'd be happy to work on any requests! For now, I'm going to go into planning phase, and get ready for my first post!


  1. Hey it wasn't very long ago you were asking me how to cook...I think we might have some role reversals going on here real soon!! Now see if you can make my son fat...haha...now there's a challenge!

  2. Sounds as if you and I would get along well, although my to-do list are mental and often I get into 101 jobs at once and rarily finish. You are a motivator for me! I stay-at-home w/my girls as I used to teach before my oldest, now 7, was born.
    I love trying new recipes that are simple, not off-the-wall ingredients and love to scrapbook, which I really intend to make time for this year! Kinda fell way behind when our second was born and yes, that will be 4 years ago on the 24th of this month!
    So Kristi, I thank you for your positive attitude and especially for your creativity! Look forward to hearing and seeing more of your projects!
